Saturday, August 18, 2007

Luxemburg: A Brief Stop on the Way Back to Germany, August 12

We left Verdun early Sunday morning and within a couple of hours we were in Luxemburg. The best thing about this little country was the price of gas! In Germany, you pay almost $8 a gallon.... In Luxemburg you get gas for the bargain price of $6 a gallon. Needless to say, they had the biggest gas stations we have ever seen right at the border crossings. People come from the surrounding areas in Germany and France just to fill up their cars and to buy coffee, which also was supposed to be a lot cheaper. We filled up, too.

The city itself was very pretty, with a big fort in the middle where the city center was.

On the town square this band of young college-age kids from Lyon, France, was playing. They were very good.

Here we are in front of the palace in which their Grand Duke Henri lives with his Grand Duchess Maria Teresa and their five children. Unfortunately they did not have time to meet us at such a short notice.

We hiked down to the bottom of the ravine that surrounds the fort before driving back to Germany.

1 comment:

Kristina G. said...

P.S. the card from verdun and luxemburg got to me on the same day - as well as the one with Karl Marx and Trier.