Sunday, August 17, 2008

Galax 2008 - Swimming/Biking/Hiking

The cabins are ideally located at the New River Trail State Park, a 57 miles long park that follows an old rail road track which has been converted to a hiker/biker trail. Here are Laura and Kristina on their way to the "swimming hole."

Kristina, Thomas, Laura, and Benjamin.

Jill and I taking a swim at the same place, but another day.

Laura and Jill on the bridge over the New River, about 12 miles from the cabins.

Thomas and Benjamin on the same bridge. They had taken the car to Fries and were going from here to the cabins, about 17 miles.

The next day, Cliff and I set out from the cabins to bike back to Fries to pick up the car. The trail is just so beautiful everywhere.

In Fries you can take a swim in the New River,

which I did (see me out there) before we had lunch at a little deli, and then drove back to the cabins.

Here are Jill and John on another bike trip.

On another day we drove up to Grayson Highlands State Park to attempt to walk up to Mount Rogers, the highest mountain in Virginia 5,729 feet (1,746 m) . My record of reaching hiking goals this summer is 0-2. We did not reach the peak, but we had a lovely hike anyway. Next time we just need to start earlier in the day and be prepared for a longer hike.

Here we are starting out. Mt. Rogers 3.8 miles! That should really be nothing for us runners who are training for marathons (26 miles) or half marathons.

After a while we found wild horses, which did not seem very wild at all. At least they were not afraid of humans.

After about an hour and half of hiking it was time to eat our lunch and enjoy the views.

But rather than walk on, we decided to walk back and check out the park and its facilities.

Here we are at the Visitor Center watching a little movie about the park and its wildlife.

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